
Better Homes And Gardens Special Interest Publications Media Kit

Better Homes and Gardens: Media Kit

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Technical Information

Digital Delivery of Print Material
Pacific Magazines will only accept advertising material via one of the industry approved ad delivery & pre-flighting platforms detailed below.

Calibrated to Pacific Magazine's specifications, they troubleshoot all supplied material to ensure there are no issues that will affect the printed quality of your advertising. This process protects all parties to guarantee the best outcome. It is therefore Pacific Magazines' company policy to only accept material through Adsend or Digital Ads (the Adsend alternative).

We will not accept material via other means such as FTP, disc or email under any circumstances.

The supplier of the digital media is responsible for all aspects of the files supplied.

ADSEND (formerly known as Quickcut)
Phone: +61 3 8689 9000

Phone: 02 9818 1965 during hours (10am to 6pm AEST)
Phone: 02 9818 1965 after hours

General Specifications:
1. Media is to be supplied to the correct publication page size. Taking special care to include bleed, trim and registration marks. (Minimum bleed size is 3mm. Trim and registration marks must lay 6mm outside of the trim)
2. PDF files need to be supplied as single page files. File names should start with P001_ for the first page and P002_ for the second page for a double page spread.
3. Avoid running type across the gutter of a double page spread.
4. All type must be a minimum of 8pt and 10pt for reversed type
5. All fonts need to be embedded into the PDF file
6. Files must be saved in CMYK format. RGB or LAB colour formats will be rejected
7. Images need to be of a minimum 260dpi at print size.
8. Solid black panels or backgrounds should carry 40% Cyan to reinforce the black print
9. Total ink limit should be between 280-310% with a black limit of 90% (medium GCR)
10. All 4 colour black and white images should use UCR

· Page must include required bleed as per publication specification.
· PDF's page must be CROPPED (in Acrobat) to BLEED size, contain no crop or registration marks.
For more information, please click link below

 To ensure accurate colour reproduction, Pacific Magazines recommends a 3DAPv3 approved digital proof.

Please Check Publication Specifications for Correct Paper Type

Please see for more details

3DAPv3 Colour Proofs:
1. Colour proofs must be created at 100% in size and accompany any supplied material.
2. In order to verify the proof, it will need to contain the 3DAPv3 control strip
3. Tearsheets or colour laser prints are NOT acceptable forms of proofs
4. If a 3DAPv3 colour proof is not supplied, Pacific Magazines or the Printer will not accept responsibility for the printed result of the supplied advertising.
5. The proof must be setup to the correct paper type of the magazine and section

Double Imaging on DPS ads

Pacific Magazines recommends that any critical cross over should be double imaged across the gutter. Double image allowance is 3mm each side of the centre which is to be included within the trim not additional to the trim size, i.e., the spread will carry a 6mm common image through the centre of the spread.

Pacific Magazines takes no responsibility for optical loss of an image in the gutter of a double page spread if the above instructions are not followed'

Download BlueStar Web Insert Specifications Instructions
Download BlueStar Insert Specifications
Download BlueStar Web Huntingwood Pallet Labels

Wet Sachet Specifications

Please note the following specifications are a guide for suppliers of sachets for insertion into Pacific Magazines publications.

Suppliers/manufacturers must submit samples for testing by Pacific Magazines Production staff and if approved it is the supplier's responsibility to ensure that actual product supplied for insertion is identical to the samples submitted and approved.

For e ach 1ml of fill, the sachet's internal area must be at least 8 square cm.

The sachet must be free from excessive air, as much air as possible needs to be removed prior to sealing.

Under a compression test, sachets must withstand at least 3,300 psi (1,500 kg) of pressure for 10 seconds and subsequently 2,200 psi (1,000 kg) for a minimum of 5 hours.

Minimum overall size required for binding = as per magazine specifications*

Maximum overall size for binding = as per magazine specifications *

Maximum total weight for individual sachets, including fill = 20 grams

The quantity of liquid fill must remain the same throughout the production run.

Sachets must be packed in nested cartons for ease of unpacking.

To enable automatic feeding on insertion equipment, sachets must be packed so they do not curl or stick together.

If more than 1 deck of sachets is packed in a carton, each deck must have a strong cardboard base so they will sit stable on the base.

All sachets to be packed the same way up and the same way around.

Sachet cartons to be strong and tailor made for a tight fit.

All cartons must be accurately labelled indicating product, quantity and host publication

Approval of Trial Samples

A minimum of 200 samples to be supplied as per the above specifications
for pressure testing and a binding trial before full production of the sachet for
the magazine

Due to the mechanics of tipping-on inserts, there may be occasions where a very small quantity of magazines is bound without the insert. As such it would be advisable NOT TO run wording offering a sachet within the magazine.

Please be advised that the client takes responsibility for all costs incurred (including reprint of magazine run) if wet sachets are faulty at time on insertion.

DisclaimerWhilst the internal production process may verify that material is within specification the onus is placed firmly on tradehouse/sender to supply material to specification. It is also a requirement that advertising material is delivered on time so quality control measures can take place. Late material may miss these checking procedures which could pick up possible problems/errors.

Pacific Magazines reserves the right to refuse any material that does not meet the required Specifications.

Better Homes And Gardens Special Interest Publications Media Kit


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